受教育及 工作经历 |
教育经历(从大学本科开始,按时间倒排序): 1.2007-9至2011-6,3522vip浦京集团,基础兽医,博士,导师:汪开毓 2.2004-9至2007-7,3522vip浦京集团,水产养殖,硕士,导师:汪开毓 3.2000-9至2004-7,3522vip浦京集团,水产养殖,学士 工作经历(科研与学术工作经历,按时间倒排序): 1.2014-1至现在,3522vip浦京集团,水产养殖系,副教授 2.2016-12至2017-12,哥本哈根大学,兽医和动物科学系,访问学者2011-7至2013-12,3522vip浦京集团,水产养殖系,讲师 |
代表性论文 |
(1)Marana Moonika H, Dagoberto Sepúlveda,Defang Chen, Azmi Al-Jubury, Rzgar M Jaafar, Per W. Kania, Niels Henrik Henriksen, Bjørn Krossøy, Inger Dalsgaard, Niels Lorenzen, Kurt Buchmann. A pentavalent vaccine for rainbow trout in Danish aquaculture. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2019,88:344-351. (2)Louise von GersdorffJørgensena, Jacob Günther Schmidt,Defang Chen, Per Walter Kania, Kurt Buchmann, Niels Jørgen Olesen. Skin immune response of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)experimentally exposed to the disease Red Mark Syndrome. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 2019,211:25-34. (3)Shuang Peng, JiaXi Liu, YunDan Pu, Hong Wang, Yi Geng, KaiYu Wang, ZhiQiong Li, ZongJun Du,DeFang Chen*.Heat shock protein 70 gene of Ya-fish (Schizothorax Prenanti)responses to thermal stress and bacterial challenges.Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh, 2018,70:1517 (4)王虹,彭爽,刘佳喜,陈德芳*,王艳,耿毅,汪开毓,李志琼,黄小丽,欧阳萍.齐口裂腹鱼HMGB1基因克隆及其对嗜水气单胞菌胁迫的响应.水产学报,2018,42(12):1957-1966. (5)刘怡南,彭爽,王虹,陈德芳*,贺扬,周毅,耿毅.叉尾斗鱼肉瘤病的病理学检测和病原鉴定.水产科学学,2018,37(5):679-683. (6)王虹,彭爽,陈德芳*.链球菌毒力因子溶血素S的研究进展.中国人兽共患病学报,2017,33(2):44-49. (7)Jieyao Zhu#, Hong Wang#, Jun Wang, Xingli Wang, Shuang Peng, Yi Geng, Kaiyu Wang, Pin Ouyang, Zhiqiong Li, Xiaoli Huang,Defang Chen*. Identification and characterization of aß-defensingene involoved in the immune defense response of channel catfish,Ictalurus punctatus. Molecular Immunology. 2017, 85:256-264. (8)S. Zuo, L. Barlaup, A. Mohammadkarami, A. Al-Jubury,D. Chen,P.W. Kania, K. Buchmann*. Extrusion of Contracaecum osculatum nematode larvae from the liver of cod (Gadus morhua). Parasitology Research, 2017, 116(10):2721-2726. (9)Yundan Pu, Jieyao Zhu, Hong Wang, Xin Zhang, Jin Hao, Yuanbin Wu, Yi Geng, Kaiyu Wang, Zhiqiong Li, Jian Zhou,Defang Chen*. Molecular characterization and expression analysis of the Hsp90 inSchizothorax prenanti. Cell Stress and Chaperones, 2016, 21:983-991 (10)王兴丽,汪开毓,陈德芳*,朱劼垚,杨倩,贺扬,王二龙,一株虹鳟源维氏气单胞菌的分离鉴定及组织病理学观察,中国预防兽医学报. 2016, 38(11):879-883 (11)Y. He, K. Y. Wang , D. Xiao,D. F. Chen,L. Y. Huang, T. Q. Liu, J. Wang, Y. Geng, E. L. Wang, Q. Yang. A recombinant truncated surface immunogenic protein (tSip) plus adjuvant FIA confers active protection against Group B streptococcus infection in tilapia. Vaccine, 2014, 32(51): 7025-7032. (12)Wang Jun, Wang Kaiyu,Chen Defang,Geng Yi, Huang Xiaoli, He Yang; Ji Lili, Liu Tao, Wang Erlong, Yang Qian, Lai Weimin. Cloning and characterization of surface localized a enolase ofStreptococcus iniae, an effective protective antigen in mice. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2015, 16 (7): 14490-14510. (13)陈德芳,汪开毓,王均,黄小丽,黄凌远,鱼源海豚链球菌对小鼠组织器官损伤的病理学观察,中国兽医科学,2013, 43(11):1194-1199 (14)陈德芳,汪开毓,王均,耿毅,黄凌远,胡迪,景简飞.海豚链球菌(Streptococcus iniae)胞外产物对斑点叉尾鮰(Ictalurus punctatus)的致病性,海洋与湖沼,2013,44(2):326-331 (15)Chen D F, Wang K Y, Geng Y, Wang J, Huang X L, He M. Pathological changes in cultured channel catfishIctalurus punctatusspontaneously infected withStreptococcus iniae,Diseases of aquatic organisms, 2011, 95(3): 203-208. (16)Chen D F, Wang K Y, Geng Y, Wang J, Huang L Y, Li J M.Streptococcus iniaeisolated from channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) in China. Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh, 2011, 63(3):593-600 |